
There is no taxi? Rent a car

It often happens to people with active social life that they get invited to a party or an event far away from home. It can be quite a challenge to get home after the party late at night. It is too late for public transport, no taxi in the neighbourhood and it would cost a lot anyway. Booking a room for a night can be a good solution but not always manageable as it can be expensive and not everybody likes sleeping anywhere else than home. Few remember the solution of renting a car with a driver who can take you home after the party.

Take it easy

Driving to a party is not a good idea because you cannot have even a sip of champagne or wine as you have to drive. Late at night and tired it is also not a good idea to drive home. If you do not have a driving licence, driving home will not work at all. Renting a car with a driver is a very convenient solution as you can leave for home whenever you want to, the driver will wait for you. And you can have a good time at the party! It is also a great advantage that you do not need to walk as you will be taken right home.

Sharing costs

Renting a car costs money, of course, but if more people live close to one another they can rent the car together and so they can share the costs. If you choose this solution, everybody needs to add a small amount and it will be easy and comfortable and fast to come home.